9 April 2024

90 Minutes to Close the Loop, Episode 11

In the most recent episode of our "90 Minutes to Close the Loop" web series, we delved into discussions with glass experts from islands, exploring the specific challenges these regions face in terms of waste management, particularly concerning glass packaging collection and recycling.


Can islands effectively close the loop on glass packaging? What alternatives do islands have when there is no glass manufacturing locally?

In the most recent episode of our “90 Minutes to Close the Loop” web series, we delved into discussions with glass experts from islands, exploring the specific challenges these regions face in terms of waste management, particularly concerning glass packaging collection and recycling. Throughout the episode, experts shared insights into the unique obstacles islands encounter, such as limited recycling infrastructure, transportation issues, and the impact of tourism on waste generation. Additionally, solutions and best practices were discussed to address these challenges effectively, highlighting the importance of tailored approaches to waste management in island communities.


The speaker lineup:

  • Jacobo Gómez Tomillo, Director General of Vidrieras Canarias SA
  • Sandra Brá Jóhannsdóttir, Executive Manager of Úrvinnslusjóður (Icelandic Recycling Fund)
  • Tiki Massin, Overseas Operations & Recycling Manager at Citeo
  • Claudia Guzzon, Executive Secretary of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Islands Commission


And if you missed the episode, you can watch it here and speaker presentations are below the video: 

