26 September 2024
Close the Glass Loop Releases Study on ‘Exports for Recycling of Glass Packaging’
The 'Exports for Recycling of Glass Packaging' study marks a groundbreaking analysis of the Close the Glass Loop initiative. Utilizing Eurostat data, it examines the dynamics of packaging waste exported for recycling, providing invaluable insights into the extent to which EU member states rely on glass exports for recycling.
Close the Glass Loop has released a comprehensive study on the exports for recycling of glass packaging, offering valuable insights into how EU Member States handle cross-border recycling. This study explores key aspects such as the share of exports in total recycling of packaging materials , the destinations of these exports both within and outside the EU, and the countries that depend most heavily on exporting glass to meet their recycling targets. Based on Eurostat data from October 2023, the study provides a detailed analysis of glass exports, helping to highlight the significance of cross-border recycling for achieving circular economy goals.
Table of Content:
1. General Overview of 2021 Exports for Recycling of Packaging Materials
2. Overview of Glass Exports for Recycling
3. Detailed Analysis of Glass Exports for Recycling in 2021
4. Destinations of Glass Exports for Recycling
5. Concluding Remarks
6. Annex: Country Profiles